Total extensions: 15

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Version: 2.1.2

WPAdverts is the easiest, most popular 5-star plugin for paid or free classifieds! Fast, mobile-friendly and works with any WordPress theme!

WP Adverts Custom Fields
Version: 1.5.5

You know that WordPress is great for creating any website you can imagine, but it rarely happens exactly as you imagined it! Even with WordPress, you often have to hire a programmer or learn to program, and since forms are how visitors interact with your site ...

WP Adverts Maps and Locations
Version: 1.6.1

Maps and Locations (MAL) extension completely solves the problem with managing locations. It allows managing hierarchical list of locations (for example Country > State > City) both when creating an Ad and when searching by location. This means no more m...

WP Adverts Mark As Sold
Version: 1.2.0

Usually, when a user places an ad, it is displayed for X periods of time, and then the ad expires. Simple and effective. However, what happens if this is one product, and it was sold during this time? Then the product will look as if it is still available, alt...

WP Adverts BuddyPress Integration
Version: 1.2.1

If you want your own social network for your sport, hobby or niche, BuddyPress and the premium version BuddyBoss are the defacto standard social-network plugins - and WPAdvert works with both of them seamlessly!

WP Adverts WooCommerce Integration
Version: 1.7.0

This extension combines your WPAdverts with WooCommerce, so WooCommerce can accept payments for Ads posting. If you are already familiar with WooCommerce you are good to go, just enable this integration, create Adverts Listing products and start accepting paym...

WP Adverts Authors
Version: 1.4.0

Allow your users to register and self-manage their account, public profile, and all posted Ads. Because The Authors extension seamlessly integrates with WordPress and WPAdverts your users can manage their account without going to wp-admin panel.

WP Adverts Fee Per Category
Version: 1.2.1

It’s common on classified sites that have many different categories to have different fees for some of them. For example a motorcycle may be cheaper to advertise than car or boat, but be in a more expensive category than bicycles.

WP Adverts Category Icons
Version: 1.1.1

Perfect category icons, about 500 are preloaded for you, but let's assume that you have an unusual niche or a special style?

WP Adverts reCAPTCHA
Version: 1.1.1

Protect your forms from spam  using easy for humans and hard for bots Googe captcha (ie. the Google noCAPTCHA).

WP Adverts Stripe Integration
Version: 1.2.0

A popular alternative to PayPal, Stripe is among the major players for enabling small businesses online to receive payments from site visitors.

WP Adverts Google Analytics
Version: 1.1.0

You have contributed to the creation of a great site, attracting many interested visitors to whom your paid advertisers can sell - but do these advertisers believe you?

WP Adverts Restricted Categories
Version: 1.0.2

This extension allows you to restrict users from posting in some categories. The main reason is to block your main or" top " categories so that your visitors can post only in the subcategories of these top categories.

WP Adverts Memberships
Version: 1.0.1

Are you charging your customers for posting Ads on your site? If you do then with Memberships extension you can take it one step further and sell to your customers recurring packages that will allow them to publish a set number of ads within a time period.

WP Adverts PayPal Payments Standard
Version: 1.0.2

PayPal is considered an absolute must-have in many niches, as it’s still the standard way that non-business people give and receive money online.