Total extensions: 27

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Popup Builder Exit Intent
Version: 4.2.0

Exit Intent popup aims to prevent your users leaving the site without getting the info you needed to provide them. You can create an eye-catching popup and catch their attention when they are to leave the site. With exit intent popup you can convert abandoning...

Popup Builder Countdown
Version: 3.6.0

Countdown popup makes it possible to arouse a sense of urgency or excitement in your website visitors while announcing the end of a promotion or the opening of an event. The configuration of multiple popup options will make the popup more functional and attrac...

Popup Builder Advanced Closing
Version: 2.1.0

Advanced closing extension will help you to make sure your messages reach your visitors before the popup is closed. It allows you to control popup closing options in various ways. You can Enable or Disable popup overlay so that the popup won’t have an overlay ...

Popup Builder WooCommerce
Version: 3.2.0

WooCommerce popup extension allows you to easily show popups on a WooCommerce website, depending on custom behaviors. This is a perfect way to show targeted offers to your customers that will motivate them for more shopping on your WooCommerce website.

Popup Builder Geo Targeting
Version: 3.6.0

Geo Targeting extension helps you to manage the popup showing depending on the location (Countries/Cites) and/or the IP of the visitor. Using this tool you can specify IP’s or Countries/Cities where the popup needs to be shown or hidden.

Popup Builder AdBlock
Version: 3.1.0

AdBlock popup is a functionality (a popup event) that can be set to any popup type and detect the application of an ad blocking software by web users. Then, you can come up with video, image or text message depending on the type of your popup and ask your visi...

Popup Builder Video
Version: 2.2.0

Video popup will provide you with one of the most successful techniques to create and serve enticing marketing campaigns with videos. The Video popup can be added from YouTube, Vimeo, and DailyMotion streaming service(s) or by uploading Custom Video (Mp4, OGV/...

Popup Builder Age Restriction
Version: 2.2.0

Age Restriction popup is created to verify your website auditory accurately before giving them access to your website.

Popup Builder Gamification
Version: 2.2.0

Don’t know how games can boost your sales or make high conversions? It’s time to rely on the gamified email capture process which will boost subscriptions and sales by personalized coupons and sales.

Popup Builder Analytics
Version: 4.4.0

The Analytics extension is a super useful tool used for tracking and improving popup event performance. Just save the settings of the event types to be tracked and live preview popup changes. What’s more, you can see which are your most popular popups for a ce...

Popup Builder Scroll
Version: 3.2.0

The Scroll Triggered Popup extension is the ultimate tool to help you show eye catching acceptable popups. This is a perfect option for all the devices possible. You can show your popup offers on a mobile device, on a desktop, on a tablet, etc., being sure tha...

Popup Builder Login
Version: 3.1.0

Login popup extension provides you with login forms inside a popup which can be configured to your needs. If your website is password-protected, you can use our Login popup extension to create and add a compact login form on your site which the visitors will f...

Popup Builder Inactivity Event
Version: 2.1.0

The Inactivity extension enables you with ability of showing popups when the users stay inactive on your website. This option is an ideal way to push the visitors to some desired actions, like making purchases or subscribing to your newsletter.

Popup Builder Mailchimp
Version: 4.3.0

MailChimp Popup extension is a popup type through which you can connect your MailChimp account to your MailChimp popup. Once the popup is connected, just enclose one of your MailChimp forms into your popup.

Popup Builder Random
Version: 2.2.0

Random popup extension is a perfect way to show multiple popups in a random sequence. Get rid of annoying your visitors with the same popup several times and show different popups. The best advantage of this option is that you don’t have to create different po...

Popup Builder Social
Version: 2.3.0

Social popup creates a brilliant opportunity to get the offers on your website actively shared over the social pages and thus foster the social media following. Simply set up the specific and general configurations and you will have an exceptional opportunity ...

Popup Builder Yes No Button
Version: 3.1.0

Yes/No buttons is a multipurpose popup type that’s created for various acceptance requests on a website.

Popup Builder iFrame
Version: 2.2.0

Iframe popup is a perfect strategy to embed an HTML document inside a popup. You can embed Google maps, videos, digital publications, weather forecast and any other content inside an Iframe popup to advertise something. To make the popup even more pliable and ...

Popup Builder Advanced Targeting
Version: 3.1.0

Advanced Targeting extension provides you with 8 super targeting options that will help you increase the conversion rates of your website.

Popup Builder Registration
Version: 2.1.0

Registration popup will help you to add WordPress registration form inside the popup so the user can submit the form right from the single page. All the input fields are customizable and can be modified to your website’s look and feel. With the help of the for...