Total extensions: 55

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MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor
Version: 5.3.0

MainWP Advanced Uptime Monitor along with the UptimeRobot service checks your sites every 5 minutes, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In case site is not loading, it makes few more checks in next 3 minutes to make sure that site is down. If the site is still dow...

MainWP Comments
Version: 5.0.0

The MainWP Comments Extension allows you to Approve, Disapprove, Mark as spam, Spam, Edit and Delete comments in all your child sites from one place. By using bulk actions you will save time for more important tasks or if you prefer you can still moderate your...

MainWP Boilerplate
Version: 5.0.0

The Boilerplate extension is the perfect solution for commonly repeated pages such as your “Privacy Policy”, “About Us”, “Terms of Use”, “Support Policy”, or any other page with standard text that needs to be distributed across your network.

MainWP File Uploader
Version: 5.0.0

MainWP File Uploader Extension is a simple way to upload files to your child sites from one centralized location. It gives you ability to upload multiple files to all of your child sites at the same time. There are multiple ways to upload files to your servers...

MainWP Sucuri
Version: 5.0.0

The MainWP Sucuri is a plugin designed as a MainWP site verification add-on, enhancing the security and integrity of WordPress websites. By integrating powerful tools for monitoring, scanning, and malware removal, it fortifies the overall protection of multipl...

MainWP Code Snippets
Version: 5.0.0

WordPress Code Snippets for MainWP is a simple way to add code snippets to your child sites from one centralized location. No need to edit to your theme’s functions.php file or wp-config anymore!

MainWP White Label
Version: 5.0.0

MainWP White Label is a versatile and feature-rich plugin for WordPress that allows users to customize and brand their MainWP dashboard to match their unique style and identity. With this plugin, users can easily create a personalized and professional look for...

MainWP Fathom
Version: 5.0.0

MainWP Fathom is an essential plugin for WordPress that serves as a traffic statistics tracking add-on for the popular MainWP platform. With this plugin, website owners and administrators can gain valuable insights into their websites traffic, allowing them to...

MainWP API Backups
Version: 4.0.06

MainWP API Backups is a plugin for WordPress that provides backup management on the host side, using the REST API for MainWP. With this plugin, users can easily create, manage, and restore backups of their WordPress sites from the convenience of their MainWP d...

MainWP Pro Reports
Version: 4.1.3

MainWP Pro Reports is a plugin that simplifies report generation for multiple websites, enhancing efficiency. By centralizing data collection and analysis, the plugin streamlines monitoring and optimizing site performance effortlessly. Administrators benefit f...

MainWP WooCommerce Status
Version: 4.0.9

The extension description is prepared.

MainWP Google Analytics
Version: 4.1.4

The MainWP Google Analytics Extension gives you the ability to view your Google Analytics data for your child sites in your MainWP Dashboard. It adds a widget to your main dashboard where you can monitor Google Analytics data from.

MainWP Lighthouse
Version: 4.0.5

MainWP Lighthouse WordPress Extension is used for measuring the quality of your websites. It use the Google PageSpeed Insights API to audit the performance, accessibility, and search engine optimization of your WordPress sites.

MainWP Virusdie
Version: 4.0.1

MainWP Virusdie is a plugin for WordPress that provides antivirus and threat detection capabilities specifically designed for the MainWP platform. With this plugin, website administrators can easily protect their WordPress sites from malicious attacks, malware...

MainWP Favorites
Version: 4.0.12

The MainWP Favorites Extension allows you to store frequently used plugins and themes for quick and easy installation on a site. In addition, since those favorites are stored locally on your Dashboard and does not use the Favorites API so your pr...

MainWP Dashboard Lock
Version: 5.0.1

The given WordPress plugin is an access restriction plugin for MainWP known as the MainWP Dashboard Lock. This plugin provides users with the ability to lock down their MainWP dashboard, adding an extra layer of security to their WordPress sites. By implementi...

MainWP Client Reports
Version: 4.0.14

The MainWP Client Reports extension combines the power of the free MainWP Child Reports plugin with a fully customizable reporting engine to allow you to create the type of report you are proud to send to your clients.

MainWP WordFence
Version: 4.0.10

The Wordfence Extension combines the power of your MainWP Dashboard with the popular Wordfence Security Plugin (almost 3 million downloads). It allows you to scan your child sites for security issues, monitor live traffic and to manage Wordfence settings acros...

MainWP Custom Post Types
Version: 4.0.4

Custom Post Types Extension is an extension for the MainWP Plugin that allows you to manage almost any custom post type on your child sites and that includes Publishing, Editing, and Deleting custom post type content.

MainWP Page Speed
Version: 4.0.3

The extension shows you the average speed score for each of your child sites by calculating the average load time of your Pages, Posts and Categories and showing you tips and tricks to increase that score. The Speed monitor will be visible in both your Sites l...