Total extensions: 3

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Cookie Alert Message
Version: 1.5.0

In Europe there is a new law coming into effect that governs show cookies can be used on websites. Essential cookies, such as ones used in shopping carts, are fine however if you use any form of non-essential cookie on your website you must first gain permissi...

Relevant & Useful Content Poll
Version: 1.5.0

A amazing plugin that allows you to display feedback options/poll at the bottom of Joomla article/content. Four different types of layout/themes are available to display. You can see also the count of how many people liked and disliked the article.

Accurate Weather Forecast
Version: 1.5.0

A nice module that allows you to display weather Forecasts of current time as well as Forecasts of full weeks. You can display of any zone of the World. You just need to put Area/City name and search. alternatively you can set Latitude and Longitude of any cit...