wpForo Ads Manager for WordPress offers an advanced solution for managing advertisements within the wpForo forum system. With the wpForo Ads Manager, forum administrators can easily monetize their websites by strategically placing ads throughout their forum pages.

Plugin Version: 3.0.2
WordPress plugin wpForo Ads Manager

Plugin Features

This plugin provides a range of tools and features to streamline the ad management process. Forum administrators can easily create, customize, and display ads using the intuitive interface. They have the ability to select specific ad positions within the forum layout, such as above the forum header, below the forum navigation bar, or within forum threads.

With the wpForo Ads Manager, forum administrators have complete control over the ads displayed on their website. They can specify the duration of each ad campaign and set limits on the number of impressions or clicks. Additionally, the plugin allows for the rotation of multiple ads within a single position, ensuring a varied and engaging user experience.

This plugin ensures that advertisements seamlessly integrate with the overall design and layout of the forum. Administrators can easily customize the appearance of ads by choosing from a variety of pre-defined templates or by creating their own custom designs. This level of customization ensures that ads blend harmoniously with the forums visual aesthetic, enhancing the overall user experience.

The wpForo Ads Manager also provides comprehensive analytics and reporting capabilities. Forum administrators can track the performance of their ad campaigns, monitor impressions and clicks, and gain valuable insights into user engagement. These data-driven insights empower administrators to optimize their ad strategy and maximize revenue generation.

In addition to its powerful features, this plugin is designed with efficiency in mind. It is built using lightweight code and follows best practices to ensure optimal performance and minimal impact on website loading times. Furthermore, it is compatible with other popular plugins and themes, allowing for seamless integration and enhanced functionality.

To summarize, the wpForo Ads Manager is a powerful add-on for wpForo forum that enables website administrators to effectively manage and monetize their forums through targeted advertisements. Its user-friendly interface, customizable options, and robust analytics make it an essential tool for maximizing revenue generation while maintaining a seamless user experience.


Release date: 20-06-2021
Last updated: 08-08-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Ads & Affiliates
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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