wpDiscuz Advanced Likers is a plugin for WordPress that offers an advanced and user-friendly commenting system for websites. This plugin serves as an add-on to the popular wpDiscuz plugin, enhancing its functionality by allowing the display of a list of comment likes and offering various rewards to commentators.

Plugin Version: 7.0.7
WordPress plugin wpDiscuz Advanced Likers

Plugin Features

With this plugin, website owners can showcase a list of comment likes, which adds a social element to the commenting system. Visitors can see which comments have received the most likes, helping them identify the most popular and engaging content. This not only encourages users to participate in the conversation but also helps them discover valuable insights and opinions shared by others.

One of the key features of this plugin is the ability to reward commentators with certain titles and reputation badges. This gamification aspect adds a fun and competitive element to the commenting experience. By reaching certain milestones, such as receiving a specific number of likes or contributing a certain number of comments, users can unlock different titles or badges that showcase their engagement and expertise.

The wpDiscuz Advanced Likers plugin integrates seamlessly with the wpDiscuz commenting system, preserving its clean and user-friendly design. The comments section remains intuitive and easy to navigate, allowing visitors to engage in discussions effortlessly. By utilizing this plugin, website owners can improve user engagement and foster a sense of community on their WordPress site.

In addition to the list of comment likes and gamification features, this plugin offers a range of customization options. Website owners can easily configure the display of the comment likes list, choosing between different styles and layouts. They can also customize the labels used for reputation badges and titles, ensuring they align with the branding and tone of their website.

In conclusion, wpDiscuz Advanced Likers is a powerful add-on for the wpDiscuz commenting system that enhances user engagement and encourages active participation. Its ability to display comment likes and reward commentators with titles and reputation badges adds a social and gamified element to the commenting experience. With its seamless integration and customization options, this plugin is a valuable tool for any WordPress website looking to foster a vibrant and engaging commenting community.


Release date: 11-10-2020
Last updated: 28-01-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Communication
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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