Display and purchase WooCommerce products from a searchable and sortable table. Filter by anything. WooCommerce table plugin lists products in a searchable & sortable table. It's perfect for wholesale stores, bulk order forms, product list views, restaurant orders & more.

Plugin Version: 3.1.3
WordPress plugin WooCommerce Product Table

Plugin Features

The plugin streamlines the display of WooCommerce products into a structured grid format, enhancing user experience and simplifying navigation. Its functionality allows for customization of product tables, increasing flexibility in design and presentation. Customers can easily view product information, make selections, and proceed to checkout seamlessly. With this plugin, website owners can optimize product visibility, ultimately driving sales and improving the overall shopping experience. Additionally, the integration of filters and search options offers enhanced usability, making product discovery more efficient for users.

The plugin offers a responsive design, ensuring that the product tables adapt flawlessly to various screen sizes and devices, providing a consistent user experience across platforms. Through its intuitive interface and customizable settings, website owners can effortlessly tailor the appearance and functionality of the product tables to align with their branding and layout preferences. The ability to showcase specific product details, such as pricing, descriptions, and images, in an organized and easily accessible manner significantly improves the browsing experience for customers. Moreover, the quick view feature enables users to access essential product information without navigating away from the main product listing, enhancing convenience and expediting the purchasing process.

By incorporating features like add-to-cart buttons directly within the product table, the plugin streamlines the buying process, reducing the number of steps required for customers to make a purchase. This seamless integration contributes to higher conversion rates and improved user satisfaction. The plugins compatibility with various WordPress themes and extensions enhances its versatility and enables seamless integration into existing websites without compromising design integrity. The dynamic loading functionality ensures that product tables load quickly and efficiently, even when dealing with a large inventory, maintaining optimal site performance. Moreover, WooCommerce Product Table comprehensive documentation and dedicated support resources empower users to leverage its full potential effectively.

The plugins robust features empower website owners to create visually appealing and user-friendly product tables that enhance the overall shopping experience. Its extensive customization options, combined with seamless integration with WooCommerce, provide a powerful tool for optimizing product display and driving sales. The intuitive administrative interface simplifies the management of product tables, enabling effortless updates and modifications to meet changing business needs. The plugins continuous updates and commitment to excellence ensure ongoing compatibility and performance enhancements, making it a valuable asset for WordPress users seeking to elevate their online stores.


Release date: 06-09-2017
Last updated: 01-12-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: e-Commerce for WooCommerce
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Barn2 Media

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