Simply Static Pro is a plugin for WordPress that serves as a static site generator. With this plugin, users can easily convert their WordPress website into a static site, which offers benefits such as improved security, faster loading times, and easier scalability. Developed by Patrick Posner, this plugin ensures that the site can be served as static HTML files, reducing the need for server-side processing and database queries. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive features, Simply Static Pro empowers website owners to take their WordPress site to the next level.

Plugin Version:
WordPress plugin Simply Static Pro

Plugin Features

This plugin simplifies the process of generating a static version of a WordPress website. Once installed and activated, users can access the plugin from the WordPress dashboard. The intuitive interface allows users to select specific pages, posts, taxonomies, and media files that they want to include in the static version. This flexibility enables users to customize the static site to meet their specific needs.

Simply Static Pro offers advanced features that enhance the static site generation process. For instance, it provides options to exclude certain pages or posts from the static version, making it easy to exclude sensitive or unnecessary content. Additionally, users can choose to include external CSS and JavaScript files to ensure that the static site retains its intended design and functionality.

With the plugins search engine optimization (SEO) capabilities, website owners can rest assured that their static site will rank well in search engine results. This plugin automatically adjusts URLs, sets correct canonical URLs, and generates XML sitemaps, optimizing the static site for search engines. This not only improves the sites visibility but also enhances user experience.

One of the notable advantages of using Simply Static Pro is the performance boost it offers. As a static site generator, it eliminates the need for server-side processing and database queries, resulting in significantly faster loading times. This ensures a seamless user experience, reduces bounce rates, and improves overall site performance.

Another benefit of this plugin is the improved security it provides. Static sites are less vulnerable to attacks compared to dynamic sites. By converting a WordPress site into a static version, users can eliminate many potential security risks associated with WordPress plugins and themes. This offers peace of mind and safeguards against potential cyber threats.

Furthermore, with the static site generated by this plugin, users gain the advantage of easy scalability. As static sites are lightweight and require fewer server resources, they can handle high traffic volumes effectively. This enables businesses and individuals to effortlessly scale their websites without worrying about performance issues.

In summary, Simply Static Pro is a powerful plugin for WordPress that enables users to convert their dynamic websites into high-performing static sites. With its user-friendly interface, customization options, and advanced features, this plugin simplifies the static site generation process. By enjoying improved security, faster loading times, and scalability benefits, users can confidently enhance their online presence and deliver impeccable user experiences.


Release date: 11-10-2020
Last updated: 25-01-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Migration & Conversion
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Patrick Posner

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