Piotnet Grid is a perfect solution for creating customizable and responsive grids on your website. With its powerful features and intuitive interface, users can easily design and organize grid layouts to showcase their content in an attractive and organized way.

Plugin Version: 2.0.13
WordPress plugin Piotnet Grid

Plugin Features

One of the key features of this plugin is its flexibility in grid customization. Users have the ability to tailor their grids according to their specific needs. They can choose from various grid styles, such as masonry, equal height, and carousel, and easily adjust the number of columns and rows to create the desired layout. Additionally, users can customize the spacing between grid items and apply stunning animation effects to enhance the visual appeal of their website.

Piotnet Grid also offers extensive options for content management within grids. Users can effortlessly add and arrange various elements, including images, videos, text, and buttons, to display their content in a visually engaging manner. Both beginners and advanced users will appreciate the drag-and-drop feature, which allows for seamless content placement and rearrangement.

For those seeking a responsive design, Piotnet Grid has got you covered. It automatically adapts the grid layout to different screen sizes, ensuring optimal viewing experience across all devices. Users can also define specific breakpoints to craft unique grid layouts for different screen sizes, providing a user-friendly experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

In addition to its impressive design capabilities, this plugin offers powerful filtering and sorting options. Users can enable filtering functionality, enabling visitors to search and sort through grid content based on specific categories or custom criteria. This enhances the user experience by making it easier for visitors to find the desired content quickly.

Moreover, Piotnet Grid optimizes website performance and loading times. It generates lightweight and clean code, resulting in faster page load speeds, which is essential for improving user engagement and search engine rankings.

Overall, this WordPress plugin provides an exceptional grid creation experience for users of all skill levels. Its seamless customization options, responsive design capabilities, content management features, and performance optimization make it a valuable tool for anyone looking to create visually stunning and organized grid layouts on their website.


Release date: 11-10-2021
Last updated: 07-03-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Style & Design
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Piotnet Team

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