Offline Forms for PWA for WP is a plugin that allows users to store form submissions offline and sync them with a Progressive Web App (PWA) and WordPress. This plugin helps to overcome the limitations of offline functionality by providing a reliable storage solution for form data. With Offline Forms for PWA for WP, users can ensure that their form submissions are never lost, even in low or no internet connectivity situations.

Plugin Version: 2.6.0
WordPress plugin Offline Forms for PWA for WP

Plugin Features

Offline Forms for PWA for WP is designed to enhance the offline capabilities of a website or application by offering a dependable storage system for form submissions. By utilizing the power of Progressive Web App technology, this plugin allows users to collect and store form data even when there is no internet connection available.

With this plugin for WordPress, offline form submissions are securely saved locally until an internet connection is restored. This ensures that no form data is lost or overlooked due to connectivity issues. As soon as the user reconnects to the internet, all stored form submissions are automatically synchronized with the websites database, guaranteeing a seamless and uninterrupted user experience.

One of the key advantages of this plugin is its compatibility with a wide range of form builder plugins for WordPress. Users can integrate Offline Forms for PWA for WP seamlessly with their preferred form builders, ensuring that all form submissions made on their website are efficiently stored and synchronized, regardless of the form builder plugin being used.

Additionally, this plugin offers advanced customization options to meet the specific needs and branding requirements of different websites. Users can configure various settings, such as form submission storage duration, maximum number of stored submissions, and custom error messages, providing a personalized user experience tailored to their websites unique characteristics.

Moreover, Offline Forms for PWA for WP prioritizes data privacy and security. All form submissions are stored locally on the users device and are encrypted to ensure the protection of sensitive information. This helps to build trust and provides peace of mind for both website owners and their users.

In conclusion, Offline Forms for PWA for WP is a powerful plugin for WordPress that enhances the offline capabilities of websites and applications by providing a reliable storage solution for form submissions. With this plugin, users can ensure that their form data is never lost, even in low or no internet connectivity situations. Its compatibility with various form builder plugins, advanced customization options, and attention to data privacy make it a valuable tool for any website or application seeking to provide an uninterrupted user experience.


Release date: 11-10-2020
Last updated: 17-07-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Contacts & Feedback
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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