This plugin, MemberPress Toolbox Printable Membership Cards, is a powerful tool designed specifically for WordPress websites using MemberPress. It allows users to easily print membership cards for their members, providing them with a tangible and professional representation of their membership. With this plugin, website owners can enhance their membership management system and contribute to a more streamlined and organized experience for their users.

Plugin Version: 1.1.2
WordPress plugin MemberPress Toolbox Printable Membership Cards

Plugin Features

This plugin brings convenience and efficiency to the process of issuing and managing membership cards. By integrating seamlessly with the MemberPress plugin, it eliminates the need for manual card creation and distribution. Instead, it offers an automated solution that saves time and effort for administrators and ensures a more consistent and professional representation of membership for members.

When using this plugin, website owners have the flexibility to customize their membership cards to align with their unique branding and design preferences. They can incorporate their logo, choose from various card layouts, and personalize the information displayed on the cards. This level of customization allows for a more personalized and professional touch, elevating the overall membership experience for users.

The MemberPress Toolbox Printable Membership Cards plugin offers an intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it easy for administrators to manage and generate membership cards. The plugin provides a seamless integration with MemberPress, allowing for quick access to membership data and the ability to generate cards with just a few clicks.

This plugin also enables website owners to create printable lists of all their members, making it simple to keep track of membership details and easily distribute membership cards when needed. The printable list feature streamlines the process of managing a large number of members, providing an organized and efficient solution for administrators.

In addition to its convenience and time-saving benefits, the MemberPress Toolbox Printable Membership Cards plugin ensures a professional and visually appealing representation of membership for users. The high-quality and printable membership cards generated by this plugin contribute to a more professional and established image for the website and its members.

In summary, the MemberPress Toolbox Printable Membership Cards plugin is an essential tool for WordPress websites utilizing MemberPress. It simplifies the process of generating and managing membership cards, providing an automated solution that saves time for administrators and enhances the membership experience for users. With its customization options, intuitive interface, and printable list feature, this plugin offers a comprehensive solution for membership card management.


Release date: 11-06-2020
Last updated: 20-01-2021
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Tools for MemberPress
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: MemberPress Toolbox

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