Total extensions: 30

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Directorist Image Gallery
Version: 1.3.4

Use a quality image gallery and increase conversation by reducing your return rate on your directory listing website. There is a saying that indicates one image worths a thousand words That’s exactly what the Directorist Image Gallery extension does!

Directorist Mark as Sold
Version: 1.2.1

Mark as sold is a dynamic extension that provides listing authors the opportunity to show visitors if a particular item is sold or not.

Directorist Compare Listings
Version: 1.1.5

Compare Listings extension allows users to add a set of listings in a list and compare its features by viewing in a comparison table.

Directorist Listings Slider & Carousel
Version: 1.6.3

Increase the beauty of your directory website by displaying numerous listings through attractive sliders or carousels with this highly customizable extension.

Directorist PayPal Payment Gateway
Version: 1.4.2

Do you want to boost your income on your business directory site? Are you looking for a robust payment gateway with worldwide acceptance? If you are, the Directorist PayPal Payment Gateway is the perfect fit for you.

Directorist Stripe Payment Gateway
Version: 2.5.6

Are you looking for a versatile Directorist payment gateway for your business directory that accepts a great number of currencies? If yes, then Directorist Stripe Payment Gateway is the smartest way to go.

Directorist Job Manager
Version: 1.0.1

Directorist Job Manager is a versatile plugin for WordPress that serves as a vacancy directory plugin specifically designed for Directorist. This powerful plugin offers an array of features and functionality to create a comprehensive job management system with...

Directorist Payment Gateway
Version: 1.0.2

Directorist Authorize Payment Gateway is a secured payment solution that accepts a great number of payment options for Directorist Pricing Plan like Visa, MasterCard, Discover, AmEx, JCB, PayPal, and more.

Directorist Mailchimp Integration
Version: 1.0.0

Directorist Mailchimp Integration Connects Directorist with Mailchimp. It helps you to make your directory business grow faster and smarter with more leads. Also, this integration allows you to track leads that come into your umbrella as 'sign up' and ‘contact...

Directorist Rank Featured Listings
Version: 1.3.3

Rank all your featured listings if it happens on a larger scale on your directory website and earn extra revenue from your users. Rank Featured Listings is used to rank your featured listing items on your directory website. Sometimes you may need to rank all y...