Total extensions: 51

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AMP Teaser
Version: 1.5.3

AMP Teaser automatically clips the content based on your selection and then adds a button at the end which will lead the visitor to the non-AMP version.

AMP Subdomain Endpoints
Version: 1.1.8

It allows you to add your own custom AMP Endpoints as Subdomain.Using this extension you can customize the structure of AMP URL as per your requirement.

Version: 2.9.0

ACF for AMP enables you to display Advanced Custom fields data into the AMP version of your website. To output, the data it requires small integrations rather then changing the whole code. This extension works perfectly with or without AMPforWP plugin. You can...

Advanced AMP ADS
Version: 1.19.35

You can now easily insert ads from any AD network between the content. It has got 7 different ad sizes and there is also an option which allows you to select the number of paragraphs after which the AD should be displayed. It also supports Link ad units.

AMP Facebook Chat
Version: 1.2.6

Facebook Chat which allows you to put Facebook page chat on AMP so that visitors can chat with you via your Facebook page inbox. This is an easy way to offer support, turns visitors into your customers and chat with them anytime, anywhere on your phone.

AMP Rating
Version: 2.8.6

You can display Ratings for the product reviews in Star format with in AMP. It displays the Stars that you pick with overall score. For example, If you enter ‘3’ then it will display 3 out of 5 stars for that listing.

AMP Comment Form
Version: 2.7.15

While the Comments are an essential part of a website, it is also complex to implement in the AMP.

AMP Pro Extension Manager
Version: 1.0.14

By using this AMP Pro Extension Manager plugin you can activate the Membership bundle by using a single license key without the need to enter the license of all the extensions.

AMP Polylang
Version: 1.2.10

Polylang is a popular multi-lingual plugin which allows you to setup localization. It creates different versions of the website for every language. Polylang for AMP is a compatibility extension which integrates easily with your Polylang setup and generates the...

Newspaper AMP Theme
Version: 2.0.41

The Newspaper AMP Theme was created specifically for users who use the newspaper theme from tag div and want to have the same appearance and similar functionality on the amp.

AMP Smart Sticky Header
Version: 1.0.4

Add a simple sticky header to your WordPress with Smart Sticky Header for AMP on Scroll. This will float off the screen when the user scrolls down and floats back when users scrolls up. This AMP compatibility addon adds the Support in AMP with just one click!

AMP Formidable Forms
Version: 1.0.9

Formidable Forms is one of the most popular plugin (By Strategy11) for adding the Contact Forms, Surveys & Quiz Forms and much more. This AMP compatibility addon adds the Support in AMP with just one click! This will work with the form builder and all kind...

AMP Layouts
Version: 1.9.41

AMP Layouts is a revolutionary modular layout system built for AMP that makes easy to create your own AMP templates. It’s got a pre-built design for every use case with customizability options and requires no coding.

AMP Recipe
Version: 1.0.3

WP Ultimate Recipe is an easy recipe plugin that allows you to create and add recipes. With the help of this Recipe Compatibility for AMP Extension, you can render the same functionality like displaying the Recipes, changing the quantities, and more to your we...

AMP Pinterest
Version: 1.1.3

Pinterest is one of the most popular social sharing networks in the world. Properly using its potential can help you drive more traffic than all the social networks combined.

AMP bbPress
Version: 1.4.4

The first plugin in the WordPress that allows you to implement a forum on AMP. bbPress is the most popular forum software for WordPress and you can get all its functionality to AMP with one click and with the same user experience on the AMP. You can show forum...

AMP Shortcodes Ultimate
Version: 1.6.0

Shortcodes Ultimate is a popular shortcodes plugin which gives you more than 50 shortcodes to implement functionality like create tabs, buttons, boxes, sliders and carousels, responsive videos and much, much more.

AMP Forminator
Version: 1.0.1

Forminator is one of the most popular plugin by WPMU DEV for adding the Contact Form, Payment Form & Custom Form Builder and much more. This AMP compatibility addon adds the Support in AMP with just one click! This will work with the form builder and all k...

AMP Happyforms
Version: 1.0.0

Happyforms is the simplest way for you to manage and respond to conversations with your website visitors. This AMP compatibility addon adds the Support in AMP with just one click! This will work with the form builder and all kinds of fields with proper form va...

AMP Paid Memberships Pro
Version: 1.0.3

Paid Memberships Pro allows you to manage, and grow your membership site. With the help of Our Paid Memberships Pro for AMP Extension you can render the same functionality like setting membership level, Restricting access to members only content to your websit...