Use reCAPTCHA service from Google to help your directory site protect from spam and further abuse. This Google reCAPTCHA extension allows you to make it happen by taking care of your site.

Plugin Version: 1.3.4
WordPress plugin Directorist Google reCAPTCHA

Plugin Features

Google reCAPTCHA is a powerful extension of the giant Directories plugin which is used to protect your directory listing website from being abused and spammy activities of automated softwares. Basically, a “CAPTCHA” is a turing test to authenticate a particular web action.

Usually, it’s easy for humans to solve the test, but hard for “bots” and other malicious software to figure out. The extension will ensure this functionality on your directory website in order to make your website secure from the malicious activities that are constantly happening on the web.


Release date: 11-10-2020
Last updated: 07-08-2023
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Access & Security for Directorist
Compatibility: W5.x W6.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Directorist

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