Hide My WP is number one security plugin for WordPress. It hides your WordPress from attackers, spammers and theme detectors. It also hides your wp login URL and renames admin URL. It detects and blocks XSS, SQL Injection type of security attacks on your WordPress website.

Plugin Version: 7.0.02
WordPress plugin CodeCanyon Hide My WP

Plugin Features

The security plugin for WordPress, known for its robust features and effectiveness in safeguarding websites, offers an unparalleled level of protection against malicious attacks on WordPress sites. Its advanced functionalities ensure that sensitive information remains secure, preventing unauthorized access and potential breaches. This indispensable tool is highly recommended for website owners looking to enhance their security measures and fortify their online presence against potential threats.

Boasting a wide array of security features, including advanced firewall protection, cloaking technology, and login protection mechanisms, the plugin equips websites with the necessary defenses to mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively. With its intuitive user interface and seamless integration, it provides a user-friendly experience while delivering powerful security enhancements. Website owners can rest assured that their data is safeguarded against various cyber threats, thanks to the comprehensive security measures embedded within the plugin.

By concealing vital information about the website, such as WordPress themes and plugins, the plugin adds an extra layer of security by preventing potential vulnerabilities from being exploited by cyber attackers. Its ability to mask specific WordPress paths and URLs further enhances the websites security posture, making it significantly more challenging for malicious actors to target and compromise the site. Website administrators can leverage these features to proactively protect their websites and enhance overall security resilience.

Furthermore, CodeCanyon Hide My WP offers real-time monitoring capabilities, enabling administrators to track and respond swiftly to any suspicious activities or security breaches. With its intrusion detection and prevention mechanisms, the plugin helps in identifying and thwarting threats before they escalate, mitigating potential damages and maintaining the websites integrity. This proactive approach to security empowers website owners to stay ahead of cyber threats and uphold a secure online environment for their users.

In addition to its robust security features, the plugin provides regular updates and maintenance to ensure optimal performance and protection against emerging threats. Website owners can benefit from continuous support and enhancements, keeping their security measures up to date and effective in safeguarding their online assets. With its comprehensive security solutions and proactive security posture, the plugin stands as a reliable and essential tool for any WordPress website seeking to fortify its defenses and ensure a secure digital presence.


Release date: 19-03-2013
Last updated: 26-09-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Access & Security
Compatibility: W6.x W5.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: CodeCanyon

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