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ThemeForest Stardust
Version: 3.1.0

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Version: 2.0.0

Thanks to the template Gazzine your website will receive a whole collection of advantages that will allow it to move far ahead of page competitors. The layout of the Studio, who made his name on creating the most modern and one of the most popular presets for a web resource, ready to provide its user with dozens of tools for control and adaptation of the Internet project under his vision.

Joomlage Gazzine
ThemeForest Jobify
Version: 4.2.0

Creating a job listing website has never been easier with Jobify - the easiest to use job board theme available. Create a community of employers and prospective employees.

Version: 1.0.6

Template Sportranks received immense popularity due to the amazing design. It is excellent for all modern websites. From the title it is easy to understand that he will be the best option for sports portals. Joomla template contains many different visual effects. Sports sites designed on this template, like thanks to a conveniently placed information. Attractive thematic image is a significant part of the resource page. A search mechanism helps to organize an excellent navigation through the portal.

YouJoomla SportRanks
GavickPro MyFolio
Version: 1.3.3

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Version: 1.1.0

Nice template Magazine well may be appropriate to create online magazine, various blogs, small news site and more of the same plan. The template provides a convenient place the contents of the future site. There is a block for advertisement, TOP published articles, menu, main, recent and popular news. At the bottom of the template there is login form, quick links and contact information. Just enough for a functional website.

Vtem Magazine
OmegaTheme Fashionbag
Version: 2.0.0

Want to open your online store, just have to pay attention to the template OT FashionBag. Why? The reason is simple, on its creation worked as professional web designers, and it is for this reason in it every detail, every block, every shade blends harmoniously into a single whole, creating a wonderful website where you can purchase. Already on the first page the visitors offered a lot of novelties, but a quick search will always help you find what you need.

Version: 1.0.003

Financial institutions of all categories and sizes of banks and insurance companies to micro-credit organizations and pawn shops, can pay attention to the template Business Theme made with the emphasis on corporate identity and conservative design, incorporating all the new-fangled modules: registration, personal account, search and site map. Note proper formulation of content on the page as a set of images and text and buttons without canvas, and also the opportunity to make this image dynamically changing with the help of slides. Business Theme creates an aura of a confident company who prefer business style in relations with customers.

JoomlaPlates Business Theme
ThemeFuse Auto Trader
Version: 1.3.21

The template description is prepared.

Version: 1.2.0

Creative website for design and development of mobile applications helps to create the template Crunch. Reviews technical features of the software, their graphics capabilities will help to interest many users. Convenient location for each category and an easy transition to the information of interest provide a convenient navigation. This resource will allow teaching of modern programmers and implement their development for mobile devices. A colorful style and high practicality of the website will allow you to quickly create a database of clients.

ThemeXpert Crunch