SJ Mega Products for Virtuemart is a high-performance and visually appealing extension for the Joomla platform. This is an intuitive tool that presents a seamless solution for showcasing a multitude of products in an organized and accessible layout. Excelling in interactivity and customization, it makes optimal use of Virtuemarts shopping functionality. In essence, it enhances the user experience by providing an enriched display of desired products in an effortless, convenient manner.

Extension Version: 3.0.0
Joomla extension SJ Mega Products for Virtuemart

Extension Features

This extension offers a formidable package that revolutionizes the way products are showcased. It provides an efficient system that integrates a clean, modern design with superior functionality. The design is pleasing to the eye, inviting users to explore the variety of products presented. The layout is not just visually engaging, but also user-friendly, ensuring a smooth, easy navigation.

One of the impressive features of this given Joomla extension is its responsive nature. The extension adapts to the viewers screen size, offering an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. This means site visitors can explore and shop effortlessly, transforming casual browsers into potential customers due to the improved accessibility and enhanced user experience.

Furthermore, the clever use of Ajax technology in this extension facilitates the loading of images quickly and efficiently. Ajax use in the extension ensures a smooth experience for the user, with high quality images loading promptly as they browse through the products, greatly enhancing the overall shopping experience. This feature is crucial, as it has a significant impact on user engagement and conversion rates.

The extension also comes with a robust filtering system that allows products to be sorted by categories, manufacturers, or custom product fields. This gives the user the ability to view products according to their preferences, making the shopping process much more convenient and personable. The flexibility of this feature encourages easy product discovery and exploration.

The customization options of this extension are also noteworthy. Website administrators have the freedom to set the number of columns and rows, as well as the number of products displayed per page. It also allow admins to choose the type of animation for the product displays, giving them control over the visual impact of their product presentation.

In conclusion, SJ Mega Products for Virtuemart extension is a remarkable tool that enhances the e-commerce capabilities of a Joomla website. It brings a visual appeal and interactive features to the forefront, making product discovery a delightful experience for users. It stands out as a major asset to any online store, creating an enjoyable user experience and harnessing the potential to boost sales and conversions. With its robust features and intuitive functionality, this extension is a true game changer for any e-commerce platform using Joomla.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 01-06-2022
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Specific for VirtueMart
Compatibility: J3.x J4.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: SmartAddons

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