JO Video Background is a powerful Joomla extension that allows users to easily add background videos to their website. This extension provides a seamless way to incorporate dynamic video content into the website, enhancing its visual appeal and engaging visitors.

Extension Version: 5.0.0
Joomla extension JO Video Background

Extension Features

With JO Video Background, users have the ability to customize the video settings to fit their specific needs. The extension supports multiple video formats, including YouTube and Vimeo videos, enabling users to easily embed their favorite videos directly into the background of their website.

This extension offers a user-friendly interface, making it simple for users to configure and manage the video background. Users have the option to set the video to play in the background on loop or choose a specific start and end time for the video playback. They can also define the videos position, size, and opacity, ensuring that it seamlessly integrates with the websites design.

Furthermore, module provides additional customization options to enhance the user experience. Users can enable or disable sound in the background video, allowing them to create a website with or without audio. The extension also offers a mobile-friendly mode, ensuring that the video background adapts responsively to different devices and screen sizes.

Additionally, module is compatible with various Joomla versions, ensuring it can be seamlessly integrated into any Joomla website. This extension is optimized for performance, ensuring that the video background loads efficiently without compromising the websites speed.

In conclusion, JO Video Background is a versatile extension for Joomla that enables users to easily add stylish and engaging background videos to their website. With its user-friendly interface and flexible customization options, this extension allows users to create visually stunning websites that captivate their visitors. Whether its for a personal blog, business website, or online portfolio, this module is a valuable tool for enhancing the visual aesthetics of any Joomla website.


Release date: 16-05-2017
Last updated: 24-10-2019
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Multimedia
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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