The MyLists Add-on for JReviews allows site owners to create predefined lists into which users can add listings (favorites, wishlist, watchlist, etc.); and allow users to create their own public and private lists.

Extension Version: 2.8.5
Joomla extension MyLists Add-on for JReviews

Extension Features

  • Unlimited number of admin-created Site Lists for specific listing types (i.e. Watchlist for movies, Places I visited for City Guide)
  • Unlimited number of user-created public or private User Lists.
  • Quick access to the 'Add to list' dropdown in listing detail pages, category pages and search results.
  • User Lists Menu to display 'User Lists' sorted date, number of listings or list title.
  • My Lists Menu for users to manage their own lists and for other members to view a user's public lists.
  • Site Lists Joomla module / WordPress widget to show the number of users that added the the current listing being viewed to a Site List.
  • User Lists Joomla module / WordPress widget to show the latest lists or to show the lists to which the current listing being viewed has been added.
  • Built-in migration tool to move native JReviews Favorites into one of the Site Lists.

The 'Add to list' dropdown will display all site lists that you created for a specific listing type and users only need to click on a list to add the listing to it. If users created their own lists, they will be included in the dropdown as well.

Site owners can choose whether to allow users creating their own lists and in which listing types. Lists created by users can be moderated (unpublished until approved). Users can optionally add description to their lists and make them private. Private lists will be visible only to users that created them and site managers.

The 'User Lists' page allows everyone to see non-private lists that users created. The 'My Lists' page allows users to see and manage their own lists, and see default site lists into which they added listings.

The User Lists module / widget can display lists that users created, similar to the User Lists page. When published on listing detail pages, the module / widget can show lists that are containing the currently viewed listing.

This module / widget can be used only on the listing detail pages and its purpose is to show how many users added the currently viewed listing to default site lists that you created.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 12-03-2021
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Directory & Documentation
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: ClickFWD

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