Actual problem of modern websites is the download speed and the degree of load on the hosting server. For a quick resolution to this problem was developed a module, JA Amazon S3, increases the speed and reduces the load on the hosting.

Extension Version: 2.5.9
Joomla extension JA Amazon S3

Extension Description

With his appearance the most important files, images, videos and documents are now stored on cloud hosting and loaded it with him. The module, JA Amazon S3 is an environment which helps to interact with the cloud directly from the admin panel of Your website.

The main features of the module include ease of installation and use. All startup files are on cloud hosting, then links are generated that uses to output the extension Joomla. A big plus for users and developers will be a Cron job with their full support, the presence of CloudFront and CDN, as well as attach many accounts to Amazon S3, and ease of management.

In conclusion, it is possible to allocate huge indispensability for modern sites, especially photo sites whose main problem is congestion and low speed. Installing just one module Joomla, you can get rid of a number of unpleasant problems and save yourself a lot of time.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 20-06-2017
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Core Enhancements
Compatibility: J2.5 J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlArt

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