With Components Anywhere you can place components anywhere in your site. So you can now place a component inside an article or even within modules.

Extension Version: 4.12.0
Joomla extension Components Anywhere Pro

Extension Description

The syntax is super simple. Just place {component url/of/the/component} where you want that component to show.

For instance, you have a form component - that does not come with its own module version - and you want to display the form in a module. Let's say the url of the form is: http://www.yoursite.com/index.php?component=com_myform&formid=123.
Just create a new module of the type "Custom HTML module" and place this in the content editor:

{component index.php?component=com_myform&formid=123}

PS: You can also use SEF urls inside the {component} tag, but I recommend you use non-SEF urls when possible.


Release date: 14-02-2014
Last updated: 02-09-2023
Type: Paid
Subject: Core Enhancements
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Regular Labs

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