JoomlaKave Admin Branding is a system plugin that acts as a complete replacement for all interface icons within Joomla. Focused on enhancing the visual experience of the Joomla backend, it offers a streamlined approach to icon customization, allowing users to personalize their interface icons based on their preferences. This extension is designed to optimize user interaction and navigation within the Joomla environment by providing a visually appealing and cohesive icon set throughout the platform.

Extension Version: 2.5.0
Joomla extension JoomlaKave Admin Branding

Extension Features

Users of this extension benefit from a seamless integration process that enables quick and efficient replacement of default icons with custom alternatives. By facilitating this icon substitution at the system level, the extension ensures consistency and uniformity in the visual elements displayed across the Joomla interface, resulting in a more polished and professional look for the Joomla backend, which contributes to a more engaging user experience for administrators and content managers.

One of the key features of this extension is its intuitive customization options, which allow users to easily upload, manage, and apply custom icons to various sections of the Joomla backend. This flexibility empowers users to align the visual aesthetics of the interface with their brand identity or design preferences, creating a more personalized and visually cohesive user environment. By offering a user-friendly interface for icon management, this extension simplifies the process of icon replacement and customization within Joomla.

Additionally, Admin Branding by JK goes beyond basic icon replacement by providing users with a range of pre-designed icon sets to choose from. These ready-to-use icon collections cater to different design styles and preferences, offering users the convenience of selecting from a diverse array of icon options without the need for manual customization. This feature enhances the usability of the extension and allows users to quickly implement visually appealing icon sets that align with their desired look and feel for the Joomla backend.

Furthermore, this extension enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the Joomla backend by offering high-quality, scalable icon assets that are optimized for display on various screen sizes and resolutions. By ensuring that the icons remain crisp and clear across different devices, this extension prioritizes visual consistency and accessibility, contributing to a polished and cohesive user interface design. Overall, this extension serves as a valuable tool for enhancing the visual identity and user experience of Joomla websites through comprehensive icon customization capabilities.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 13-03-2017
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Administration
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlaKave

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