Total templates: 151

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MyThemeShop NewsTimes
Version: 1.3.8

MyThemeShop NewsTimes is a versatile news template for WordPress that offers a wide range of features tailored to meet the specific needs of online news platforms. This theme provides a clean and modern design, making it easy for users to navigate through different sections efficiently. NewsTimes incorporates elements such as a customizable homepage layout, featured content sections, and multiple widget areas to enhance the overall user experience. With its responsive design, this theme ensures seamless viewing across various devices, keeping readers engaged regardless of the screen size they are using.

Version: 3.2.12

MagXP template is a multipurpose WordPress theme that combines great style, clear form and flexibility in management. With many built-in homepage layouts and a convenient control panel, this theme allows you to control the design of your website quickly and easily. At any time the site's appearance changes from bright and clean to dark and minimal. High quality this theme will not leave indifferent any visitor.

MyThemeShop MagXP
MyThemeShop Monospace
Version: 1.2.4

MyThemeShop Monospace is a theme tailored to the needs of a WordPress thematic blog template. Its design elements are crafted to enhance the overall user experience of the website visitors, primarily bloggers in this context. This theme offers a sleek and modern layout suitable for those looking to create content that is not only engaging but also visually appealing. The color scheme and typography are carefully chosen to complement the thematic nature of the blogs hosted on the WordPress platform.

Version: 1.3.2

MyThemeShop Repose is a theme designed specifically for businesses looking to establish an online store within the WordPress platform. The theme offers a sleek and modern design that is optimized for showcasing products and services effectively. With a focus on user experience, it provides easy navigation for customers and seamless integration with e-commerce functionalities.

MyThemeShop Repose
MyThemeShop FrontPage
Version: 1.2.4

In the world of web design, the theme is a news portal template from an online store for WordPress. It seamlessly integrates a sleek design with powerful functionalities, making it ideal for creating engaging news websites. The theme boasts a dynamic layout that promotes easy navigation and enhances user experience. Its responsive design ensures seamless adaptability across various devices, catering to the diverse preferences of modern users.

Version: 1.3.3

The theme is a combination of a news portal template with an online store for WordPress. This theme offers a versatile and functional design suitable for creating a dynamic online platform that seamlessly integrates news content with e-commerce capabilities. With a focus on user experience and engagement, this theme provides a visually appealing layout that enhances the presentation of news articles while also offering a convenient online shopping experience for visitors. The integration of a news portal and an online store within the theme enables website owners to cater to a diverse range of audiences, from readers seeking the latest news updates to shoppers looking for products to purchase.

MyThemeShop Clock
MyThemeShop Chronology
Version: 1.1.2

MyThemeShop Chronology is a theme tailored for creating WordPress online stores. It offers a wide range of features specifically designed to optimize the online shopping experience. The layout and elements are meticulously crafted to enhance e-commerce functionality, making it a valuable asset for businesses looking to establish and grow their online presence.

Version: 1.2.2

MyThemeShop Digitalis is a theme designed for WordPress, specifically tailored for online store functionalities. The theme offers a sleek and modern design, with a focus on user-friendly navigation and engaging visuals. It provides a seamless shopping experience for customers, with intuitive product categorization and easy checkout processes. Its responsive layout ensures compatibility across various devices, enhancing accessibility for users browsing the online store on different platforms. The themes customization options allow store owners to personalize the look and feel of their website to align with their brand identity.

MyThemeShop Digitalis
MyThemeShop Saturation
Version: 1.1.2

MyThemeShop Saturation is a theme designed for thematic blogs on WordPress. It offers a range of features that cater to the specific needs of bloggers looking to create a cohesive and visually appealing online presence in line with their chosen theme or subject matter.

Version: 2.2.2

The theme in question is designed to cater specifically to news portals on WordPress platforms. Its layout and functionality are expertly crafted to meet the needs and aesthetics required by such websites. The color scheme and overall design elements are tailored to enhance readability and highlight news content effectively. The responsive design ensures that the theme looks great and functions seamlessly across various devices, crucial for attracting and maintaining a diverse readership.

MyThemeShop HotNews