Total templates: 88

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ElegantThemes DeepFocus
Version: 5.1.8

ElegantThemes DeepFocus is a theme designed for WordPress, tailored to meet the needs of businesses looking for a sophisticated online presence. This elegant and versatile template offers a range of features essential for a professional website, providing a clean design and user-friendly interface for a seamless experience for both administrators and visitors.

Version: 3.0.9

ElegantThemes Evolution is a WordPress theme designed with a focus on the needs of business websites. The theme offers a sleek and professional design with a range of customizable features to cater to various business niches. Its responsive layout ensures optimal viewing across different devices, enhancing user experience and accessibility. With a user-friendly interface, businesses can easily showcase their products or services, engage with customers, and establish a strong online presence. The themes flexibility allows for seamless integration of plugins and widgets to extend functionality and meet specific business requirements.

ElegantThemes Evolution
ElegantThemes eStore
Version: 5.1.19

ElegantThemes eStore is a theme designed for creating online home goods stores using WordPress. It offers a seamless integration of features tailored specifically for retailers specializing in home decor, furniture, and related products. This theme combines stylish design elements, user-friendly navigation, and robust e-commerce functionalities to provide a comprehensive solution for businesses in the home goods industry.

Version: 5.5.8

ElegantThemes SimplePress is a theme designed for WordPress users seeking a sleek and professional template for their business website. With a focus on clean design and user-friendly features, this theme offers a versatile solution for a wide range of businesses looking to establish an online presence. The themes customizable options and responsive design make it suitable for creating engaging and interactive websites tailored to specific business needs in various industries.

ElegantThemes SimplePress
ElegantThemes Nova
Version: 4.2.14

ElegantThemes Nova is a theme designed for WordPress that features a sleek and professional design, ideal for showcasing creative work in a sophisticated manner. It offers a variety of customizable features tailored to meet the needs of web design agencies, freelance designers, and creative studios. With modern aesthetics and a user-friendly interface, this theme is perfect for creating stunning websites that highlight portfolios, services, and past projects seamlessly. Its versatile layout options and intuitive customization settings make it a valuable asset for professionals looking to establish a strong online presence.

Version: 4.2.8

ElegantThemes TheStyle is a theme designed for WordPress, ideal for creating a news portal. It features a modern and sleek design tailored to deliver a professional and engaging news browsing experience with a user-friendly interface. This WordPress theme offers a comprehensive set of features specifically crafted for news-related websites, from customizable homepage layouts to various post formats, providing flexibility in presenting news content effectively. Users can showcase breaking news, feature stories, multimedia content, and more in a visually appealing and organized manner, ensuring seamless access to news articles across different devices to enhance user engagement.

ElegantThemes TheStyle
ElegantThemes InStyle
Version: 4.0.8

ElegantThemes InStyle is a theme designed specifically as a WordPress theme template for a blog. The theme offers a sleek and modern design with a focus on enhancing the user experience for bloggers. Its visual elements are carefully crafted to create an elegant and stylish look, appealing to those looking to establish a professional and engaging online presence. The themes layout and color scheme are optimized to ensure readability and visual appeal, making it ideal for bloggers who prioritize both aesthetics and functionality in their content presentation.

Version: 3.2.7

ElegantThemes Feather is a theme designed for businesses seeking a professional online presence on WordPress. Boasting a sleek and modern design, it offers a range of features tailored to various industries. The layout and color scheme exude sophistication and corporate appeal, making it ideal for companies looking to convey a strong brand identity.

ElegantThemes Feather
ElegantThemes Envisioned
Version: 3.5.8

ElegantThemes Envisioned is a WordPress theme designed for creating striking portfolios. It features a clean and elegant design with a variety of features specifically tailored to effectively showcase your work. The layout and color scheme of the theme are optimized to highlight creative content, making it an ideal choice for artists, photographers, designers, or any professional seeking to display their portfolio online.

Version: 2.9.7

ElegantThemes Sky is a theme designed with businesses in mind, offering a professional and polished look for WordPress users looking to establish a strong online presence. It incorporates a sleek and modern design, catering to businesses aiming to effectively showcase their services and products. The layout and functionality are optimized to support business-related content and features, making it a reliable choice for those in the corporate world.

ElegantThemes Sky