Total templates: 102

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CSSIgniter Noozbeat
Version: 1.3.3

The CSSIgniter Noozbeat is a theme specifically designed for WordPress news portal templates. It offers a comprehensive range of features tailored to create a dynamic and engaging news website. The themes layout is optimized to showcase news articles effectively, with well-defined sections for featured stories, latest updates, and trending topics. Its responsive design ensures seamless viewing on various devices, making it user-friendly for readers accessing news on smartphones, tablets, or desktops.

Version: 1.3.3

CSSIgniter Zermatt is a theme designed for WordPress websites in the hotel industry, catering specifically to businesses aiming to establish a visually appealing and user-friendly online presence. The theme offers a modern and elegant design focused on functionalities tailored to hotel establishments. Its layout and features are crafted to meet the specific needs of the hospitality sector.

CSSIgniter Zermatt
CSSIgniter Brittany
Version: 2.2.4

CSSIgniter Brittany is a theme designed for WordPress users in need of a clothing online store template. This themes layout and features cater specifically to the e-commerce needs of fashion retailers. It offers a range of functionalities tailored to enhance the shopping experience for customers browsing clothing items online. The design elements and customization options are geared towards showcasing products effectively and optimizing sales for online apparel businesses.

Version: 1.3.4

CSSIgniter Eclecticon is a versatile WordPress theme designed for creating stunning portfolio websites. It offers a unique blend of functionality and aesthetics perfectly suited for showcasing creative work and projects. Its sleek design and intuitive features make it an ideal choice for artists, designers, photographers, and other creative professionals looking to display their work in a visually appealing manner that captivates visitors.

CSSIgniter Eclecticon
CSSIgniter Struct
Version: 1.3.2

Often the developers themselves open websites in order to demonstrate their product and increase the number of potential customers. But, as a rule, all the forces are thrown on the realization of the conceived project and often it turns out that there is not enough time to create a good site. However, do not despair, such problems are easily solved and the Struct template will help you in this. It perfectly suits as the basis of your future site.

Version: 2.1.2

The task of developing a website from scratch without assistance is not feasible, especially if the necessary knowledge is not available for this. You can study the program code, but it takes a lot of time, and not every person is ready to spend a large sum of money on a team of programmers. This kind of situation can fix the Technico template, since it does not require special skills from the owner, and its installation takes only a few moments.

CSSIgniter Technico
CSSIgniter Paperbag
Version: 1.5.2

Paperbag is a simple and high-quality solution for a user who is not versed in the field of web programming, but interested in owning a personal page on the Internet that is not inferior to the creations of professionals. The eminent team has put into its product the most promising ideas, developing them through advanced technology for developing shells for sites, and now invites you to use the tools available in the template for quickly creating and configuring your web project.

Version: 1.3.3

Meet the pattern of minimalism, simplicity and functionality in the face of the Hellomouse template. The next creation from a talented web studio, rapidly gaining popularity due to its creative ideas and their flawless implementation in their products. The mockup will give you the opportunity to quickly build a web resource the way you imagined it when you were looking for the right tools for personalization.

CSSIgniter Hellomouse
CSSIgniter Suisen
Version: 1.5

Owners of e-shops are very familiar with the difficulties of creating and debugging a website, which can often scare off novice Internet business men. The Suisen template will help you avoid the unpleasant routine of the long development of the page frame and proceed directly to filling it and personalizing it.

Version: 1.4.1

The presented template Doberman system WordPress, is focused on creation of a bright blog or news portal of veterinary subjects, wishing to receive the qualitative tool of the popularization. The design and presentation of content is made in the simplest and concise way, and the use of adaptive layout, will ensure a comfortable viewing of the website on all popular platforms.

CSSIgniter Doberman