Vina Treeview for VirtueMart is a powerful extension for Joomla that provides a user-friendly and interactive tree view for navigating and managing VirtueMart categories and products. With this extension, users can easily organize their products into hierarchical categories, making it easier for customers to find what they are looking for on an online store.

Extension Version: 1.1.0
Joomla extension Vina Treeview for VirtueMart

Extension Description

The main purpose of this extension is to enhance the user experience by simplifying the navigation process. By presenting the product categories in a tree-like structure, users can effortlessly browse through the available options and quickly locate the desired products. This is particularly useful for websites with a large number of categories and products, as it eliminates the need for manual searching and scrolling.

One of the key features of this extension is its ease of use. Users can easily install and configure the extension, with options to customize the appearance and behavior of the tree view. The interface is intuitive and user-friendly, allowing even novice users to navigate and manage their VirtueMart store effortlessly.

The extension seamlessly integrates with VirtueMart, enabling users to manage their categories and products directly from the tree view. Users can easily add, edit, and delete categories and products, and perform various actions such as reordering, duplicating, and moving items within the tree structure. This provides a streamlined and efficient workflow for managing an online store.

Furthermore, Vina Treeview for VirtueMart offers various customization options to tailor the tree view to fit the websites design and branding. Users can choose from different color schemes, icon sets, and layout options to create a visually appealing and cohesive integration with their Joomla website.

Additionally, the extension provides advanced search and filtering capabilities, allowing users to quickly find specific categories or products within the tree view. This can greatly improve efficiency when managing large catalogs or when searching for specific items.

In conclusion, Vina Treeview for VirtueMart is an essential extension for Joomla users who utilize the VirtueMart e-commerce platform. With its user-friendly interface, intuitive navigation, and customization options, this extension enhances the overall user experience and simplifies the management of product categories and products. It is a valuable tool for any online store owner looking to improve the organization and accessibility of their VirtueMart-based website.


Release date: 29-11-2014
Last updated: 14-02-2015
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Specific for VirtueMart
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: VinaGecko

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