The plugin for Joomla in question offers a solution for website owners to comply with the EU Cookie Directive. By providing a seamless integration within Joomla websites, this plugin assists in displaying cookie consent notifications to visitors. Through customizable features, it allows users to adapt the appearance and content of the cookie banners according to their preferences and website design. Moreover, it enables site administrators to configure cookie categories and manage user consent settings effectively.

Extension Version: 1.1.1
Joomla extension EU Cookie Directive Pro

Extension Features

This extension for Joomla streamlines the process of cookie compliance by automatically blocking cookies until visitors provide their consent. This functionality ensures that websites adhere to data protection regulations by giving users control over their online privacy. By offering options for users to accept or decline specific cookie types, this plugin fosters transparency and allows individuals to make informed choices about their data privacy preferences.

Furthermore, the plugin supports multiple language translations, enabling website owners to reach a broader audience and enhance user experience for non-English speakers. This feature contributes to creating a more inclusive online environment and facilitates communication with visitors from diverse linguistic backgrounds. By facilitating compliance with data protection laws across different regions, this extension assists website operators in maintaining legal obligations and building trust with their audience.

In addition to its core functionalities, this Joomla extension equips administrators with detailed analytics and reporting tools to monitor user consent and cookie usage effectively. By providing insights into user interactions with cookie notifications and preferences, it empowers website owners to assess the impact of their cookie policies and make informed decisions regarding data collection practices. This data-driven approach promotes transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in managing online privacy for website visitors.

In conclusion, the plugin for Joomla, known as EU Cookie Directive Pro, offers a comprehensive solution for website owners to implement cookie consent mechanisms effortlessly. By combining essential features such as customizable consent banners, automatic cookie blocking, multilingual support, and robust analytics tools, this extension facilitates compliance with data protection regulations and enhances user trust. With its user-friendly interface and versatile functionalities, this plugin is a valuable asset for Joomla websites looking to prioritize data privacy and user experience.


Release date: 19-11-2013
Last updated: 19-11-2013
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Site Management
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Channel Digital

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