A news display module for Joomla, it offers an efficient way to showcase latest news and updates. Seamlessly integrated into Joomla websites, this extension allows for easy management and customization of news content. With user-friendly features, it simplifies the process of creating visually appealing news layouts. It enhances the overall user experience by providing a dynamic platform for news presentation within Joomla websites.

Extension Version: 1.5.4
Joomla extension VTEM News Show

Extension Description

Its intuitive interface empowers users to effortlessly organize and display news articles in a visually engaging manner. The extensions robust functionality enables users to customize the display settings according to their specific requirements. With responsive design capabilities, it ensures that news content is displayed optimally across various devices, enhancing accessibility for all users. The extension offers ample flexibility in styling options, allowing users to tailor the news display to align with their websites branding and design aesthetics.

Built with efficiency in mind, it optimizes the loading speed of news content, enhancing performance and user experience. The extensions SEO-friendly features assist in improving the visibility of news articles on search engines, maximizing reach and engagement. It integrates seamlessly with Joomlas framework, ensuring compatibility and smooth operation within the CMS environment. Its compatibility with third-party extensions further extends its functionality, offering additional customization possibilities for users.

This extension simplifies the process of managing news content within Joomla, streamlining workflow and enhancing productivity. Its array of features, such as categorization and tagging options, empower users to efficiently organize and categorize news articles. With social media integration capabilities, it facilitates easy sharing of news content across various platforms, amplifying the reach and impact of the news displayed. The extensions comprehensive documentation and support resources ensure that users can leverage its full potential effectively.

By leveraging the capabilities of this news display module, Joomla website owners can create a dynamic and engaging news section that captures the attention of visitors. From highlighting important updates to showcasing featured news articles, VTEM News Show offers a versatile platform for presenting news content. With its seamless integration, customizable features, and performance optimization, it serves as a valuable tool for enhancing the news display experience within Joomla websites.


Release date: 18-11-2014
Last updated: 20-05-2015
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: News Display
Compatibility: J2.5 J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: Vtem

4.5 1 1 1 1 1 (182 Votes)

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