OSWistia Pro is a powerful and versatile Joomla extension designed to facilitate the embedding of Wistia videos onto Joomla websites. With its user-friendly interface and extensive features, this extension provides Joomla users with a seamless solution for integrating Wistia videos into their websites.

Extension Version: 1.3.6
Joomla extension OSWistia Pro

Extension Features

This extension allows users to effortlessly embed videos from their Wistia accounts by simply pasting the video URL into the editor. The videos can be easily customized and configured to match the websites design and layout. With OSWistia Pro, users can choose from a variety of video player themes, adjust the size and aspect ratio, control autoplay settings, enable video looping, and much more.

One of the standout features of plugin is its support for responsive videos. This means that videos embedded using this extension will automatically resize and adapt to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and optimal viewing experience on both desktop and mobile devices.

In addition to these customization options, plugin also provides advanced analytics capabilities. Users can track video engagement, view detailed analytics reports, and gain valuable insights into their audiences behavior. This data can be used to make informed decisions about content strategy, marketing campaigns, and overall website optimization.

To further enhance user experience, OSWistia Pro offers seamless integration with other Joomla extensions. This allows users to take advantage of additional functionalities such as user authentication, membership access controls, and payment gateways for monetizing video content.

Overall, OSWistia Pro is a reliable and feature-rich extension for Joomla that simplifies the process of embedding Wistia videos on websites. Its intuitive interface, extensive customization options, responsive design, and analytics capabilities make it an essential tool for anyone looking to deliver engaging and immersive video experiences on their Joomla website.


Release date: 12-10-2016
Last updated: 26-10-2017
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Multimedia
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlaShack

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