JF Mobile Bar is a mobile navigation module for Joomla, enhancing website usability with a sleek and responsive navigation system. It offers seamless integration, allowing users to effortlessly navigate through the site on various mobile devices. This extension optimizes the mobile user experience, ensuring easy access to essential site features while maintaining a clean and modern design.

Extension Version: 2.0.2
Joomla extension JF Mobile Bar

Extension Features

Designed with user experience in mind, it promotes better accessibility by offering intuitive navigation elements tailored for mobile screens. Users can easily toggle between menu items, providing a smooth browsing experience on smartphones and tablets. This extension streamlines the mobile layout, making it easier for visitors to find information quickly without compromising on visual appeal.

Administrators can customize the mobile navigation menu to align with the sites branding and design preferences. This flexibility allows for seamless integration with existing Joomla templates, ensuring a cohesive look across all devices. The extensions configurable options enable webmasters to fine-tune the mobile navigation structure, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

The responsive nature of JF Mobile Bar ensures that the mobile navigation adapts fluidly to different screen sizes, guaranteeing a consistent experience across a wide range of devices. By leveraging modern design principles, this extension delivers a mobile-friendly interface that prioritizes user interaction and ease of use. Its compatibility with Joomla empowers website owners to create a mobile-responsive design without compromising functionality.

Incorporating it into a Joomla website elevates the mobile browsing experience, making navigation more intuitive and efficient for users on the go. This extension complements the sites responsiveness by offering a tailored mobile menu solution that enhances overall accessibility. By leveraging the capabilities of JF Mobile Bar, webmasters can optimize their Joomla site for mobile users, leading to increased engagement and satisfaction.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 25-08-2018
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Mobile
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Module
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomForest

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