MijoSEF is a powerful extension for Joomla that provides comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO) functionality. With MijoSEF, users can easily optimize their Joomla websites to improve search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic. This extension offers a wide range of features and customization options that enable users to effectively manage their sites URLs, meta descriptions, keywords, and other SEO elements. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced SEO specialist, this extension is designed to help you enhance your Joomla websites visibility and performance in search engine results.

Extension Version: 1.5.6
Joomla extension MijoSEF

Extension Features

MijoSEF simplifies the process of managing SEO elements by providing a user-friendly interface that streamlines the optimization process. Users can easily access and modify the key SEO settings of their Joomla website from a centralized control panel. This user-friendly interface allows users to quickly update meta tags, meta descriptions, and keywords for each page of their website without the need for any technical expertise.

One of the standout features of this extension is its advanced URL management capabilities. By using MijoSEF, users can create search-engine-friendly URLs for their Joomla website, making it easier for search engines to crawl and index their content. This extension allows for the customization of URLs, allowing users to include relevant keywords and remove unnecessary parameters from their websites URLs. Additionally, MijoSEF also provides options for creating 301 redirects, ensuring that any changes made to URLs do not result in broken links.

In addition to URL management, MijoSEF offers a range of other features that contribute to effective SEO optimization. Users can easily generate XML sitemaps, which provide search engines with a structured overview of their websites content. The extension also offers canonical URL management, allowing users to specify the preferred version of a webpage to prevent duplicate content issues. Moreover, MijoSEF provides automatic generation of Open Graph tags and Twitter Card tags, enabling users to optimize their websites social media sharing appearance.

Furthermore, MijoSEF offers integration with popular analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, enabling users to track and monitor their websites performance in terms of organic search traffic, conversions, and other important metrics. This extension also supports multilingual websites, allowing users to optimize SEO settings separately for each language, ensuring that their content is easily discoverable by search engines across different regions.

Overall, MijoSEF is a reliable and feature-rich extension for Joomla that simplifies and enhances the SEO optimization process. Whether you are a novice or an experienced SEO specialist, this extension provides an intuitive interface and powerful functionality to improve your Joomla websites visibility and search engine rankings. With its advanced URL management, XML sitemaps, canonical URL management, and integration with analytics tools, MijoSEF offers a comprehensive solution for optimizing Joomla websites and driving organic traffic.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 29-06-2018
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Marketing & SEO
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: -

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