Geek Facebook Chatbot is a Joomla component that dipped its foot into the world of artificial intelligence by offering a customer support and online service. The component enables you to handle unlimited number of customer, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week processing data and assisting customers.

Extension Version: 2.7.0
Joomla extension Geek Facebook Chatbot

Extension Features

  • Subscription Messaging: The component provides functions of managing subscribers and sending mass messages to all subscribed users. This feature enables you to send important updates to all your customers through Facebook Messenger.
  • 11 Message Type Variants: With 11 different message types, you can deliver all important information of your business to user in well defined displaying format.
  • Control the conversation: Chatbot supports to send structured messages with post back buttons to user that let users interact more with your bot. This is way your chatbot can control the conversation effecctively. Smart and Flexible Keyword / Text Matching System: With smart and flexible keywords system, Geek Facebook Chatbot can find and return most related answers to user’s questions. Hence, it increases user interaction with your site. Beside using simple keywords, Chatbot also supports to define a text matching to check if the received message is matched with a specific format.
  • Build Custom Integrations: This wonderful feature support to extend function of Bot, you can write plugin to access and get data to other 3rd components and Web services then send messages to users.
  • Support Multilingual: Chatbot will detect which language users are using and automatically select the replied messages for that language.
  • Nested Persistent Menu: The persistent menu can be set for your bot to help people discover and more easily access your functionality throughout the conversation. Having a persistent menu easily communicates the basic capabilities of your bot for first-time and returning users.
  • Welcome Screen: The greeting property of your bot's Messenger profile allows you to specify the greeting message people will see on the welcome screen of your bot. The welcome screen is displayed for people interacting with your bot for the first time.
  • Entry Points: There are there plugins including Customer Chat plugin, Message Us plugin and Send-to-messenger plugin that you can drop into your website. They work on both desktop and mobile web. The plugins help users to init a conversation with your bot with a click.
  • Support Emoji: The Chatbot can respond to any emoji message as well as adding emojis in sending message. This enables Chatbot to talk more like a human :)
  • Request Users Contact Information: A feature that allows your bot to request a users' contact information including location, phone number and email address - the needed information for websites that provide online services.
  • Error Message: This feature enables Chatbot to send error message (aka Fallback Response or Default Response) if it doesn't find any answer that matches with users' question.
  • Send Grouped Message: A grouped message is made up of simple standalone messages that are sent as a group. It allows you to send complex message to users that is combined from different message types.
  • Send Mass Messages: This feature is really useful in case if you want to send important updates to all your customers.
  • Set Working Time: By default, Bot will work 24/7 however this feature allows you to set working time for Bot.
  • Unlimited Automated Message: There is no limitation of the messages that send to your users.
  • Chatbot Commands: This feature that enables support agents that can stop and resume Chatbot in current conversation with commands.


Release date: 19-11-2016
Last updated: 04-06-2019
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Clients & Communities
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: JoomlaGeek

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