Art Calendar is a Joomla! component that is used to create visually rich, interactive, modern calendars that can be quickly deployed on the front end of your Joomla site. Easily populate calendar with events from the Art Calendar administrator area or from Google Calendar API, or both! Add Google Maps API locations to your events, create recurring events and attach documents and files.

Extension Version: 3.2.3
Joomla extension Art Calendar

Extension Features

The (extension) is a Joomla calendar component that offers robust scheduling and event management capabilities. Users can easily create, customize, and share events through a user-friendly interface. (It) provides various views such as month, week, day, or list to accommodate different preferences. With responsive design, (it) ensures seamless functionality across devices, enhancing accessibility for both administrators and visitors.

With the ability to categorize events, (Art Calendar) allows for efficient organization and filtering based on specific criteria. This feature enables users to manage diverse events smoothly, whether for personal, business, or community purposes. Integration with Joomlas permissions system ensures that event management responsibilities can be distributed effectively among team members, enhancing collaboration within organizations.

The powerful search functionality of (it) empowers users to quickly locate specific events based on keywords, dates, or categories. This streamlines the user experience by facilitating swift access to relevant information. Furthermore, customizable event notifications and reminders help users stay informed about upcoming events, reducing the risk of missing important dates and deadlines.

By supporting recurring events, (the extension) simplifies the process of creating and managing events that reoccur on a regular basis. Whether for weekly meetings, monthly seminars, or yearly conferences, users can set up recurring event patterns with ease. This functionality saves time and effort while ensuring consistent and accurate event scheduling throughout the calendar.

Additionally, (it) offers seamless integration with third-party extensions, enabling users to enhance the calendars functionality further. This flexibility allows for extended features and capabilities through integrations with e-commerce, social media, or marketing tools. By leveraging these integrations, users can create a comprehensive event management system aligned with their specific requirements and objectives.

In conclusion, the (extension) for Joomla provides a comprehensive solution for managing events efficiently and effectively. With its intuitive interface, powerful features, and seamless integrations, users can streamline event organization, enhance user experience, and maximize the potential of their Joomla websites.


Release date: 19-11-2014
Last updated: 13-10-2016
Type: Paid
License: GPL 
Subject: Calendars & Events
Compatibility: J3.x
Includes: Component Module Plugin
Language packs: English
Developer: Artetics

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